


In today's digital age, social media influencers are the rockstars of the internet, making us drool over their seemingly perfect lives, breathtaking aesthetics, and an army of followers.

The allure of influencer culture is undeniable, but it’s concerning if you dedicate hours upon hours to scrolling through your feed, making unfavorable comparisons with others.

Take a moment and ask yourself:

  • Do I make impulsive decisions to keep up with an influencer's lifestyle?

  • Do I feel pressured to achieve the same physical appearance as the influencers I follow?
  • Would acquiring certain products or shopping from specific brands increase my self-worth?
  • Do I suppress my feelings and modify my opinions based on what an influencer preaches?
  • If any of this is true, you, unfortunately, are the victim of FOMO and the social media comparison trap.
  • While not all social media influencers are inherently bad (many use their platform to spread positivity), it's crucial not to lose sight of your true self in the process of following them.

Here’s how to do it right.

  1. Carefully Choose Who You Follow

    The first rule of the game: ditch the fakes, embrace the real ones.

    See someone suggesting you can slay in certain outfits only if you’re size zero? Come across content that triggers feelings of envy, inadequacy, or self-doubt? Find an account constantly spreading hate or

    Block. Block. Block.

    Social media is a breeding ground for illusion, with filters, Photoshop, and well-rehearsed poses, fooling us into believing perfection is attainable. Real life, however, is messy, unpredictable, and imperfect.

    Hit that unfollow button on anyone selling you a fantasy, and seek influencers who keep it real and embrace their flaws. And remember, social media is only a glimpse into their lives, not the whole picture.

  2. Find Your Tribe

    You are an eclectic mix of tastes and interests, so why settle for a one-size-fits-all influencer that everybody is talking about?

    Discover a diverse bunch of influencers who resonate with different aspects of your personality. Blend art, fashion, activism, and anything that makes your heart race!

    The key is to be your own trendsetter, setting aside ideas that don't align with your inner rebel. After all, the world needs more of your authentic self, not just another clone.

  3. Question Everything

    Don't be a sheep blindly following the herd.

    It's okay to question the narratives pushed by influencers. After all, they are humans, too, with their own biases and agendas.

    Stay curious, do your research, and think critically about the content you consume. To be the boss of your mind, you can't let anyone else dictate your beliefs.

  4. Define Your Own Success

    Some social media influencers may tell you success means fame, fortune, and millions of followers. But we call BS on that!

    Success is deeply personal, and the path to it is as individual as your fingerprints.

    While it’s great to be motivated by someone’s success story, you must embrace your quirks and unconventional interests, set your own goals, define your version of success, and work on things that light a fire within your soul.

  5. Be Bold, Be Edgy, Be Unapologetically You!

    Your social media feed is your curated world, so follow influencers who genuinely inspire, uplift, and empower you instead of just selling you the latest fad.

    Don’t let anyone influence you so much that you suffocate your true self. That’s the only way to lead a happy, fulfilling life!
